Sunday, September 29, 2013

Leaving some things in the past; Embracing the things of the future

I think it is pretty interesting to see where God has taken me. My life is at a completely different point than I ever imagined. It is hard to believe I am the same person; yet I still am. I am more me than I've ever been. Yesterday I chose to forget something I have remembered for the past 4 years, something that would've changed my life dramatically. I am glad I did. Today I embrace the tomorrow; a tomorrow full of freedom and ruthless faith. A tomorrow that does not waste time in the inconsistencies of the fantastical possibilities of doom. I say goodbye to Anel the victim and hello to Anel the Hero. Welcome to this side of heaven, true self.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What Is Going On?

Confusing thoughts. Threatening thoughts. Anxiety. Fear. Threat. NONE of it is real. None. How do I fight it? Do I fight it? Or do I call upon Him who is my strong arm? I can hide in Him. I can listen. I can rest. I was made for rest. Why don't I? Why do I insist on living the rat race, the lie, the agitation? I will call upon my Savior. I need a Savior. Come Jesus. Fill your land with peace, joy, faith and strength.