Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Transition Lie

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, then the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”  CS Lewis

When my parents kicked me out of the house at 18 years old, I felt powerless and helpless. Anxiety crippled me. I couldn't find a job. I was at a transition.

When I began college at 20 years old, I was unprepared for the real world. I was still learning American culture. My professors and classmates scared me with their grown-up jobs and big words. I was a transition.

When I was at college at 26 years old, I was diagnosed with 2 anxiety disorders. I struggled with my classes and I was experiencing more spiritual warfare than I could understand or handle. I was at a transition.

When I graduated college, got my first grown-up job, moved where I wanted, lived my best life and suddenly lost it all, I lost myself too. I was at a transition.

Transitions are indications we are going to grow. We were created to grow, and not just grow but blossom. We grow in the most interesting environments. Sometimes you are the odd flower that grows where there is nothing but grass.

There you are. Alone. And so beautiful.

The grass can't understand you; you're different. People pass you by and you stand out. Someone plucks you out. And it hurts. There is an indescribable anguish when you are held in unknown hands and taken to an unknown place.

But you know Who is holding you. It's that same hand who has watched you grow, who has gently comforted you and who has decided it's time for you to be at a better place.

Here's the truth: You're going to be okay. In fact, you will be better than you've ever been.

So here is the question I ask you, the same question my Papa has been asking me:

Will you trust I know best? Here's His song over you: