Friday, November 11, 2016

I Weep, And I Address America

I have three groups of people I want to address today. I will first address my predominantly White conservative Evangelicals. I will then address my non-Christian friends, LGBTQ friends, people of color, disabled friends and women. Thirdly, I will address what I consider the remnant of the Church in this hour; the ones who are looking at what is happening in the heavens, who are known by their love.

To My Predominantly White Evangelical Friends & Trump Supporters

There are two groups within you. To simply categorize you, there is a group of you who voted on policy and there is a group of you who voted because you believed Trump was "God's elect". For the first group I mentioned, you who felt strongly about not voting for a candidate who supported abortion. I respect that. I also understand that. I was not a Hillary supporter either. We have a very similar stance when it comes to this. You voted for policies you believed best served our country and that is admirable and honorable. But you are probably wondering why so many people are upset, saddened and confused by this election. I'm going to walk you through it.

The man elected has publicly made racist statements, xenophobic statements, sexist statements and offended even people with disabilities. While for you these things may not have been said seriously, for the rest of America these statements are very very serious. They are so serious someone could lose their job for making remarks like these at their places of work. For the American who does not fit any of these categories, this is something that is very difficult to understand. If you feel guilty about this, stop. We have enough White guilt going around. I don't like it and it doesn't help us. Instead of feeling guilty about your position, I want you to understand what it's like for any of these group of people to watch this man be the leader of their nation. It is something that deeply hurts. It is a heavy heavy sentiment. For these groups, it feels like America has failed them. It feels like America really truly doesn't want us. And though we had felt it in the past, it has never been so blatant. It has never been so rampant. If you had any doubts that racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia still existed in America, just look at the consequences just hours after Trump was elected president. Now the people who hid these feelings and ideas feel that they have permission to outwardly express them; because Trump is their president. You have to admit the things he said would surface ugly feelings in many people's hearts. You have to admit to this when the KKK avidly supports Trump. Understand the people who are not in your shoes. Comfort them. Show them different. Show them you accept them and love them. Show them you do not represent the idea the president you elected represents for them. Read more about this on John Pavlovitz Address: White Christians Who Voted For Donald Trump. Fix This. Now.

Now I'm going to address the Christians who believe Trump is God's elect. I want you to think about what the fruit of "God's elect" has brought forth in this nation at this hour. I want you to think about the division we are currently living in. I want you to think about the children that are weeping because they believe they will be separated from their parents. I want you to think about the sentiments of the Black community when so many senseless deaths have taken place in the past two years. I want you to think about the Church. I want you to think about the church no longer being a safe place where everyone can come and encounter Christ. The church, according to the rest of America, is a place for only White privileged people. The Church has compromised the safety of our society. The church, according to the rest of America, has just confirmed how much Hypocrisy it embraces. So I want you to think about the "fruit" that Trump being pronounced as "God's elect" has brought forth. I want you to think about the fact that this man did not at any point make any mention of God in his victory speech. You cannot bring God into your decision to vote for Mr. Trump. You voted for Mr. Trump, not God. You had a choice and God let you choose as you wished. So please stop all of the prophetic manipulation. Admit you didn't want Hillary and you voted for the lesser of two evils in your sight. You are hurting the afflicted with your remarks about God and you are not walking in love. You need to repent.

To My LGBTQ Friends, My Fellow Women, My People Of Color, My Friends With Disabilities, My Muslim Friends And My Immigrant People

Please please, I implore you with all of me to hear me: I am a Christian, and I am GRIEVED. I am crying as I am writing this post. I am so sorry the dream you had to see your first woman president was torn to pieces by people who say they are believers like me. I wanted to see a woman president as well. I may not have liked Hillary, but she represents so much more unity than Trump ever has and ever will. More than a president, we needed someone to look up to. Regardless of the policies I disagreed with, she made her best effort to bring people together through her speech and demeanor. She never once offended any group of people. And with all the limitations in politics, she made her best effort to remain neutral. I am sorry. I am sorry your voice is less heard today than it was yesterday. I am sorry your future is jeopardized. I am sorry you have experienced more of the bullying and the abuse. I am sorry so many more sexist men feel like they can do whatever they want with you. I am so so sorry. I mourn with you. I will fight for you. I will defend you. I will comfort you. I will protect you as a Christian, as a woman and as an immigrant, I am here, for you.

To the True Remnant of Jesus Christ

This is the opportune time to rise up with the ruthless love of Christ. Who is going to comfort a hurting America? You are. Who is going to be a true example of Christ in this generation? You are. Who is going to call out the proud and loveless who claim to be like Jesus? You are. It is time for the true praying generation to rise up. It is time for the generation who sees beyond what is happening in the natural realm and understands this is a great time for reaping. This is the time to sift out those who do not belong and take our place as the true Bride of Christ. The true Bride of Christ understands that our hope is not in the government. Our hope is truly truly in Christ.The true Bride of Christ does not waste time in politics. The true Bride of Christ spends her time praying, worshiping, loving Jesus and others with their last breath. This is the time for the true Bride of Jesus Christ. If you thought you were alone, you need to know now that you are not alone. We stand with you. We love with you. We pray with you. Let's rise up. It's our Kairos time.

So these are my thoughts for America. I hope that it helps clarify some things for people for whatever it's worth. I promised that I would be honest with my writing and this is it. If you understood why I wrote this, let me know. If this brought you any clarity, or if you need more clarity, let me know. I will be here, present; and I will not be quiet. I love you. All of you.

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