Friday, October 14, 2016

A Testimony Of Decades

30 years ago, I was the first daughter of the union of Elizabeth and Jorge Vicente. I am told the whole family rejoiced with me since I was the youngest.

For the next 10 years, the devil set out a plan for my life. He prompted anyone and anything in my life to bring violence, lies, doubts and pain. He started with me as early as he could.

20 years ago, at the age of 10, I attempted suicide. I came to believe I should have never been born. I was overcome with lies and brokenness.

For the next 10 years, I had to fight many battles. I fought battles with depression, anger and anxiety. But I met the Lord right in the midst of it and He began to change me. I still had so much to fight against but now I knew peace and I knew love that could surpass any understanding.

10 years ago, I went through a crisis. I left college after a big cultural shock and worked full time at a restaurant. I was also going through a crisis with a lot of pain and brokenness from church.

For the next 10 years, God healed me so deeply. He blessed me with a community and a career. He not only healed so many emotional wounds and built a platform for a lifetime, but he also trained me in my gifts and calling. He re-built so much confidence in myself, gave me real mentors, friends and family.

Today, I am a living testimony. These are some of the things I thought would never happen and did:

*My relationship with my family was restored
*I found God and was saved and set free by Him
*I came to believe I am loved and I am meant to live on this earth and carry purpose
*My relationship with the church was restored
*I graduated college
*I traveled to 4 countries in powerful mission trips
*I am walking in my identity, calling and vocation
*I am writing
*I am the happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been in my entire life

30 years ago, I was a little baby many people rejoiced over but had no idea what would become of me.
30 years later, I can say with confidence: I am incredibly loved and affirmed by my heavenly Father. I am incredibly loved by family. I am incredibly loved by my faith family. I deeply love all of them without shame or reservation.

I am an Intercessor, Prophetess, Teacher, Pastor, Writer, Mentor, Evangelist, Counselor and overall World Changer. I have always looked up to 30 with great expectation, and here I am, living the dream :D :D

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