Friday, October 28, 2016

Why The House Of Prayer Is Such a Big Deal To Me

My first time at Radiance International - Times Square House of Prayer. The woman next to me gave me a prophetic word telling me I was "Radiant" and kept speaking that word over me.

When I gave my life to Jesus, I was solely drawn by the Holy Spirit and prompted to pray. Because prayer was the form in which I first encountered God, it also became my favorite way to experience God and learn from Him. I did not know at the time that this love of prayer was also because I was called to be an Intercessor- to stand in the gap on behalf of persons and communities, to pray the revealed will of God in the spirit realm.

So, I began to dream as a new Christian at the age of 17. What was my dream? To have a house of prayer. During this time, I had no idea houses of prayer ever existed or that people even loved prayer as much as I did. Most of the time people called me crazy or "special". People who had been in the church for years began to wonder how I knew so much revelation of Scripture. They didn't know that the Lord had downloaded so much scriptural revelation in prayer even before I read it.

So I talked to people about my dream. I would say: "I want a building where all we do is pray. I want different people to volunteer. I want it to be opened all the time and I want different types of prayer to arise." I knew even back then that there were different kinds of prayer and depths of prayer. I also knew that the reading of Scripture itself is a prayer, so I wanted all of those components in my dream ministry. I would pray: "Lord, I just want people to see you the way I see you. I want them to feel you the way I feel you. I want them to know you the way I know you.

But I was disillusioned.

I didn't know all of the trials and purifying fires I would have to go through for the next 10 years. I was in churches where I would get poured into, but then the pastors would be caught in sin, anything from adultery, to gossip, to slander, to stealing money, you name it. In addition to this, for some reason God would only grace a few people with prophetic insight to see what He had placed in me. My leaders never saw it and no one poured into me or mentored me. I didn't know God was hiding me and protecting me. I just thought there was something wrong with me.

Fast-forwarding to 2016, I now knew about Houses of Prayer. I knew that I wasn't crazy for wanting the presence of God and prayer. But I was tired of the churches I knew. I was about to give up on it altogether and find comfort in the "safety" of a Baptist church in Maryland. I wanted a normal life and I had a normal boyfriend who could give me that. I would quiet down my prophetic intercessory life and be confined to a church that didn't even believe in my gifts as a woman. What was the attraction to that lifestyle? Predictability.

Do you know another word for someone who craves predictability? Faithless. Do you know what is also behind predictability? Control. Do you know what is behind control and manipulation? Idolatry. So, I was going to sign up for a predictable and idolatrous lifestyle where I was my own god.

But thank God Almighty.... And let me tell you, it is HARD to thank him for this, because back in May, I thought I was going to die. But thank God Almighty.

My "normal" boyfriend broke up with me when I was sick (literally in bed), more depressed than I had ever been, and counting all of my losses. I had like $20 to my name and my whole world was shattered.

Do you know what happens when your world gets shattered? Jesus happens. My God responds to needs, and I was in real need of Him. He began to give me very high doses of faith, that truthfully I couldn't live without. If He hadn't done that, I wouldn't have gotten up in the morning.

A few weeks later, I saw two of my college friends were attending a Latter Rain Revival at a house of prayer I didn't even know existed. I decided to go. I didn't have a lot of expectations, but I knew I needed to be around people of faith.

What can I tell you? That whole week the Lord did a work in me that shook me completely. My church friends can attest to this. I have never been the same. The presence of Jesus was all I needed. Being around faith-filled Christians was all I needed to come alive again. I was wrecked by Lana Vawser's words and fired up by Darrian Summerville. I received so much download as a writer from Jennifer LeClaire and Shara Pradhan spoke so powerfully into my life. Without knowing me she said: "You know, the way you're feeling right now is not your fault. You had a recent relationship and this guy broke your heart to pieces. You thought you were going to marry him but he has some issues he needs to deal with. God actually protected you, because he's not God's best for you." Is that a whoa or what?!!

But that is not the end of the story. I am now a part of the Core Team of this House of Prayer. I am now going to spend the next few years of my life hosting the presence of Jesus, ushering others into His presence, hosting a place where everyone can pray, worship and encounter the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is why the House of Prayer is such a big deal to me; because God granted me my dream 12 years later, after the life I had made for myself was absolutely shattered. My life looks nothing like I thought it would look like. But I am so incredibly fulfilled. I am filled with His presence and have found the utmost joy in letting Him take full reign and control of my life.

I have learned the lesson. It is His way. And His way is uncomfortable, and mysterious, and unpredictable, but it is such an ADVENTURE. Giving prophetic words to people, praying for the sick and seeing them get healed, preaching the gospel in Holy Spirit fire and see others come to Jesus... this is life!

Radiance International Times Square House of Prayer has the dearest place in my heart. It is an honor to be on the leadership team and see so many encounter His presence every week. So if you need to be revived in your personal life or ministry, if you need an encounter with Jesus, my God responds to needs, and there's a House of Prayer that will welcome you just as you are in Times Square. Come out. Your life may just be changed.

Friday, October 21, 2016

I'm Uncomfortable


Every week when I log into my computer for the purpose of writing this blog entry, I encounter the same question: What is in my heart? And the answer to this question is this: So very much.

A few weeks ago, the Global Prayer Watch visited the House of Prayer. There was a woman there who prophesied some things over me that were incredibly accurate. One of the things she said to me is that I have been going through a lot of transitions. She said that I don't understand them and that God wanted me to become comfortable being uncomfortable.

I have never forgotten that.

How does one become comfortable being uncomfortable?

For me, this has meant the breaking off any limits, barriers or paradigms I had placed in my life and being okay with not having any. This has meant death to any type of safety I thought I had.

I almost want to cry while I write this.

If you ask me how many of the things in my life are going the way I want them to go, I would reply: none. If you also asked me how fulfilled I am in my life right now, I would say: The most I've ever been. Oddly enough, I have found the most satisfaction in not getting my way.

How could I have been so wrong?

For the most part in my life, I have attempted to play it safe and predictable. I like it safe and predictable. I know what is coming. But this is a lie.

I never really know what is coming. The unexpected always comes when I least expect it. To make matters worse, I worry about a ton of unexpected things that may happen but none of them ever actually happen. So my worrying and preparing is useless.

Playing it safe has led me nowhere. Playing it safe has decreased my faith in God. Playing it safe has prevented me from receiving all of the things God has for me.

I don't want to play it safe anymore.

I have 3 jobs. I am writing more than ever before. I am actively working in 3 ministries, one of which takes a lot of my attention and love, because it's my dream come true. In a month, I will be moving in a house with a faith community and family that will run this race with me for the next few years to come.

I have learned to cling tightly to Jesus while being completely heartbroken. I have learned to wage strong warfare against the schemes of the enemy. I have learned to walk this journey alone yet to be in community. I have learned to keep on going when I am absolutely exhausted. I am being okay not getting enough hours of sleep or not having the extended alone time I need as an introvert.

I am uncomfortable, and I am satisfied.

I have ran farther than I thought I could run, and faster than I ever imagined. I am so satisfied and so certain of this journey. I am overwhelmed with a peace that surpasses understanding. The things I think I want in the way I want them are nothing compared to what my Creator has for me.

So, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to trust Him. I am going to welcome His blessings and lessons in any way, shape or form. I have nothing to lose. I have given Him my life, and in His hands it has flourished.

With tears in my eyes, today I can say I have bloomed.

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Testimony Of Decades

30 years ago, I was the first daughter of the union of Elizabeth and Jorge Vicente. I am told the whole family rejoiced with me since I was the youngest.

For the next 10 years, the devil set out a plan for my life. He prompted anyone and anything in my life to bring violence, lies, doubts and pain. He started with me as early as he could.

20 years ago, at the age of 10, I attempted suicide. I came to believe I should have never been born. I was overcome with lies and brokenness.

For the next 10 years, I had to fight many battles. I fought battles with depression, anger and anxiety. But I met the Lord right in the midst of it and He began to change me. I still had so much to fight against but now I knew peace and I knew love that could surpass any understanding.

10 years ago, I went through a crisis. I left college after a big cultural shock and worked full time at a restaurant. I was also going through a crisis with a lot of pain and brokenness from church.

For the next 10 years, God healed me so deeply. He blessed me with a community and a career. He not only healed so many emotional wounds and built a platform for a lifetime, but he also trained me in my gifts and calling. He re-built so much confidence in myself, gave me real mentors, friends and family.

Today, I am a living testimony. These are some of the things I thought would never happen and did:

*My relationship with my family was restored
*I found God and was saved and set free by Him
*I came to believe I am loved and I am meant to live on this earth and carry purpose
*My relationship with the church was restored
*I graduated college
*I traveled to 4 countries in powerful mission trips
*I am walking in my identity, calling and vocation
*I am writing
*I am the happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been in my entire life

30 years ago, I was a little baby many people rejoiced over but had no idea what would become of me.
30 years later, I can say with confidence: I am incredibly loved and affirmed by my heavenly Father. I am incredibly loved by family. I am incredibly loved by my faith family. I deeply love all of them without shame or reservation.

I am an Intercessor, Prophetess, Teacher, Pastor, Writer, Mentor, Evangelist, Counselor and overall World Changer. I have always looked up to 30 with great expectation, and here I am, living the dream :D :D

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pray For Me

Friday is my 30th birthday. I began to think about what I want for my birthday. I really want revival and I thought about organizing an event honoring the Holy Spirit. That didn't really happen but there is more I want. I also need a lot of prayers. I will list some specific things I'd like prayer for but I wanted to ask you if you could lift these up as a gift to me. Will you pray for me?

Pray for the salvation of my whole family

Pray for direction in ministry and work

Pray for spiritual and emotional strength

Pray and agree for provision

Pray for revival

Pray for prayer meetings and gatherings to be stirred up in people's hearts

Pray for love to arise above hate, above fear and above differences

Thank you for your prayers. They are the best gift anyone could ever give me. If you want to send me your written prayers or voice messages, feel free to do so. It will certainly encourage me. Feel free to also send me any prophetic insights, dreams, pictures, Bible verses, I welcome it all! Thank you, xoxoxo