Friday, September 16, 2016

I'm Ready To Date!!

I'm ready to date... Jesus. He asked me if I wanted to be His Beloved and I said yes. The problem is... I haven't been very faithful. It's hard to let Him take care of me and I have been very resistant. This does not make for a good relationship. I often stand Him up for dates and I seem to be more concerned with what I do for Him than what I do with Him. I want to please Him terribly but I don't give Him enough of what He loves the most: my presence.

So, I'm ready to date Jesus.

In the meantime, I'm going to ask you for a favor, dear reader. Please stop telling me that I need a man. I have the Best Man. Don't give me a sermon about how God created us to be together. Though He certainly did, there were many people in the Bible who did wonderful things with the Lord while they were single. In fact, all the people who were married were not significant because of their marriage but because of the amazing things they did with God.

So.... stop. I want to adventure with God too.

We have many plans together. We are going to rescue many lost people and bring them close to the heart of the Father.  We are going to bring the gospel of reconciliation to many. There will be wisdom, miracles, signs, wonders and.... fun. Yes, you read that right. It is going to be SO fun.

Last year around this time I was falling in love with a man. I thought we were going to be married and could not wait to do amazing things for God with him. But we never really did things for God together. I was just waiting to be married to do those things. But what I learned is that when you are in the right relationship, you start doing the right things even before the wedding. You pray together, for other people, read the Bible, preach the gospel and go on an incredible adventure with God. Don't get me wrong. I did some of that in my past relationship. But it was always strained. I wanted to pray and read the Bible for hours. He preferred to serve other people instead.

But with Jesus, it's not strained. It's easy. I can read the Bible, pray, serve others and do the unimaginable. Jesus never says no. He is always present with me and cares about every single aspect of my life. He is the Best Man.  He is my Beloved. He is mine. I am His. So why not? Why not date Jesus? What I am learning is that He is the standard for every relationship. If my other relationships do not resemble my relationship with Jesus, there is something wrong. Now, those relationships will never be perfect, but there is a selflessness, a love and togetherness that should be there.

I'm going to do amazing things with Jesus. Please don't shame me. You need to understand that this relationship is the most important relationship I'll ever have. Through this relationship I'll learn how a man is actually supposed to treat me, protect me and encourage me. If I ever do end up in a relationship with another man, I'll know a whole lot more truths than I ever did.

Let me answer the most popular question:

Why are you single?

I am single because I have yet to find a man who knows me in a way that only Christ can reveal to him. A man needs to be deep in the love and knowledge of God to be able to see me for who I really am. A man needs to be strong enough to hold the responsibility that is to not just care for me but care for the ministry and call that will be birthed through me. A man needs to be secure enough in His call of God to follow it fearlessly, understand and see how I am a part of it, without undermining what the Lord has given me. I am single because God loves me too much to give me to someone who doesn't understand who I am. I am single because there is too much I am going to do with Jesus regardless of my marital status and He can't afford to have someone hold it all back.

I am single. But I am not alone.

I am ready to date Jesus. I am ready to conquer the world with Him. How about you? Are you doing things with the Lover of your soul regardless of your marital status?


  1. Dang girl, this good! Well-written and quite challenging. Thank you for putting plainly His invitation to live life with Him as a single female. Besos!
