Thursday, August 25, 2016

Being A Catalyst

Newton and Yisel Perez ministering

Do you know what a Catalyst is? Let me give you the definition I found:

  1. a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

A Catalyst is also a person that causes change; major change. Many of us want things to change but we are unwilling to be those agents of change. 

I truly believe that in this season the Lord is calling many Catalysts to arise. You are called to change completely the culture of your home, work, church, neighborhood, etc. You are being called to be an agent of change. This is no longer the season where you stay behind and you let others work. This is also not the season when you do some things but leave out others. This is the season where you do everything. None of it has to be perfect but you have to show up. If you don't show up, things don't change, that is simply the reality.

There are many things you are dissatisfied with; so there are many things you are being called to change. You cannot leave it on the lap of others. You cannot assume they know. If the Lord gave you the eyes to see and the ability to do, don't wait! Go do it!

I didn't understand it myself until Newton and Yisel started talking to me about it. They are being catalytic and moving at a rhythm where many others around them are also impacting change. The words they have spoken over me have resounded greatly. Newton says to me: "Pray for hearts to be aligned to that level of glory" and Yisel says: "You are a Catalyst. Keep moving. Things are already changing."

I have begun many things and spoken to many people. I have been doing things I would've been terrified to do in the past. But the Lord has blessed it because of obedience. I have also encouraged others to move forward in their catalytic calling. Some embrace it and some don't. But I still have to keep moving. We have to be catalytic in season and out of season.

Nehemiah was a catalyst. He moved in obedience but mostly, he moved in prayer. He was also incredibly strategic. What is going to be your strategy as a Catalyst? 

First, begin with prayer. Start travailing and crying out to God. 
Second, listen to the word of the Lord. What is He saying? How is He moving? 
Third, begin to enroll others for the building of the vision. The ones who are called will be watchmen, watchwomen, creators and builders. 
Fourth, place it in the hands of God. Though God gave you the vision, it is He who will carry it through. He will do it in His timing and His way. Remember that He will only give you a glimpse. You have to trust He has the whole picture and you only need to do your part.

Are you willing to be a Catalyst? Will you be an agent of change in this season? Do it. Your loving God will bless it and carry it through. 

"Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.” And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work." Nehemiah 2:17-18

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